Friday, August 21, 2009

Tim's Talking About Favorite Quotes, Health Care Reform and the BIG Buckeye Giveaway

Thanks to those that have voiced their outrage, employee free choice legislation is
taking shape without the controversial "Card Check" provision.

Holding elections within 5 to 10 days after a union submits a petition is being debated as well as mandatory arbitration of unresolved contract issues.

Not great but heading in the right direction!

Favorite Quotes. . .

We received a lot of quotes that tickled the fancy of our loyal followers. Some of my favorites:

"The place is so crowded, nobody goes there anymore"... Yogi Beara. . (from Eric Gall -Graco Inc.)

"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". . .
Einstein (from Carrie Powell -Shearer's Food & Michael Squibbs - O H & R)

"Yesterday is gone. . . tomorrow has yet to come we have only today. . .Let us begin. . .Mother Theresa (from Hillary Johnston -Terry's Tire Town)

"I haven't failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work". (from Jo-Ann Pem - Fastener Tool & Supply)

Keep those quotes coming and remember. It'sone way to have a shot at OSU/USC Football Tickets!

Employee Appearance . . .

Just when you think you've run out of things to worry about employee appearance
policies offer the next discrimination hurdle. Think about it. Do you really want your pizza served by someone coved in tattoos with 16 pierced earnings and a nose ring? Or is it ok to have a policy requiring your employee to remove and cover-up these "distractions"? Or consider the
religious factor of female that must wear a headdress?

Policies that promote systematic bias, unconscious bias or discrimination by hiring individuals can be problematic. As always check your legal advisors before implementing an appearance policy.

Here's a list of blog posts from Ohio Employer's Law Blog regarding discrimination.

Health Care Reform. . . .

If you're like me, these days you are experiencing sleepless nights, wondering about the impact of Health Care Reform on yourself and your business.

Personally I believe change is needed just not Obama change. My thoughts:

1. If it's free it's abused. Lebron James has been booed for not scoring the 100th point at a CAVS game so the crowd can get a free Taco Bell chalupa.


2. Insurance is to provide catastrophic protection. Herbal therapy, abortions, liposuction should be beyond the scope of health insurance.

3. Employee mandated coverage is not what this country is all about. Employer paid coverage is a non taxed form of wages which only the company can determine if it can afford.

4. The government doesn't run so great to begin with. Why put them in charge of Health Care?
Social Security is a mess. Medicare is broke. Our annual deficit this year is approaching $2 trillion, etc. You get the point.

national defecit
click here to enlarge national deficit chart

5. We should provide incentives to encourage good Health behaviors and reward those that are net savers when it comes to Health Care. Health savings accounts are a great idea!

Check out our blog to access our complete highlights of the Health Care Reforms under consideration. Here are just a few that are particularly interesting:

Page 84: Section 203: All benefit packages for private Health Care Plans will be under control of the Government.

Page 127, Lines 1-16: The Government will set salaries for all doctors.

Page 126, Lines 22-25: Employers must pay for the Health Care for any part time employees and their families.

Scary Stuff!!


To kick off this years College Football season we're going spreading the Scarlet and Gray cheer!

After 30 years of membership in the Ohio State University Alumni Association, our patience (and complaining) has finally provided us with a pair of tickets to a meaningful game in the Shoe."

Yes, we have tickets to the Ohio State vs. University of Southern California Sept. 12 prime time game in Columbus. And we've decided to give them away to our loyal readers along with other goodies.

We've put together a laundry list of ways for you to be eligible for this months drawing. Like the lottery you only need one chance to win but your ODDS improve the more times you participate. Here's how:

1. Place an order for a temporary before September 4, 2009.
2. Open this months News You Can Use.
3. Participate in this month's Buckeye Trivia Poll.
4. Visit our blog site The Corner Stool. (Hint: if you're reading this you've just entered!).
5. Sign up for our Twitter page!
6. Send us a name and e-mail address of a friend you think would enjoy being on
our mailing list (the more you send the better chances.)
7. E-mail us your favorite quote.

In addition to our grand prize we've come up with a few additional prizes to grab your attention. Here goes:

Second prize: Two tickets-- Ohio State vs. Toledo at Cleveland Browns Stadium -- Saturday, September 19, 2009 12:00 pm

Additional Prizes: Ten $25.00 gift cards to either BW3 or The Quaker Steak and Lube

So get on board and start entering. Deadline for all entries is Friday, September 4, 2009. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, September 8, 2009.

Good Luck and Go Bucks!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tip of the Month: Good Starts Lead to Lower Temp Turnover and Higher Productivity

If you are a frequent user of temporary staffing to operate your business these problems are not new. Turnover, absenteeism, unqualified, etc. are words all too often associated with temps.

While these problems will never be eliminated there are ways to minimize their impact and provide you more bang for your buck.

turtle start

Getting off to a Good Start is key. The way to do this is not hard but does require some pre-planning. This includes having the temp understand what the client expects as well as a basic orientation of client policies.

Before a temp arrives to start working at your facility they should know the following:

1. Directions to your building that are sufficiently detailed to include potential detours, road closings, landmarks, one-way streets, etc. so that a person cannot get lost.

2. Once the temp finds you they need to know where you want them to Park.

3. Knowing where to Enter your building and having a Contact Name of the person they should find upon arrival contributes to a Good Start.

4. The Hours of Work including all shift starting and stopping times, Break policies, Lunch times including the scope of available Lunch Room facilities.

5. Procedure for Recording Hours is important to make sure the temp is paid correctly and you are invoiced correctly. Will the temp be using your time clocks or a timecard provided by the service? Who is authorized to approve the hours worked?

6. How does your company handle the Smoking Issue? If it's not allowed at all the temp should know this ahead of time. If you have designated smoking times and places making the temp aware of these is most helpful.

7. What is the required Dress Code? Nothing worse than having a temp show upwearing shorts, a tee shirt with body piercing from head to toe to work around your heavy machinery right? Having the temp show up with all the required Personal Protective Equipment make for a good start.

8. Communication of Job Duties through a detailed job description will go a long way to reducing turnover and the dreaded "NCNS" (no call/no show). If a job puts the temp on their feet 90% of the time lifting 65 pounds this needs to be known before the temp starts. Job duty surprises
are the main reason for NCNS.

9. Safety training is a must. While your service can provide a general safety orientation it is important that the client perform a detailed hazard recognition audit with the temp before the job starts. Making sure the temp is wearing all required PPE needs to be part of this training.

10. Understanding Your Needs and related to your basic business model can go a long way in making the temp/client fit work. While things change if your service can provide potential temp candidates answers to the following it will improve the odds leading to that Good Start. For
  • What type of business are you. . . what do you make?
  • How do you use temps? Long-term? Seasonal? Temp to perm?
  • How long will the assignment last?
  • Is there a chance for permanent hire?
  • Is prior experience required?
  • Do you work overtime? Weekends?
  • Can we leave for lunch?
When the temps don't work out for whatever reason it represents a cost. The "No Call/ No Show" can mean lost production or the payment of overtime to cover. Turnovers create having to re-train replacements.

Effective communication between the service, temp and client can go a long way in weeding
out the problems that cause the "Bad Start".

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Social Media and the Staffing Company

The days when people communicated solely face-to-face officially ended within the last two weeks when my girlfriend's parents and my eighth grade teacher became my "friends" on Facebook.

I manage both Facebook and LinkedIn pages just to keep up with people these days. Although it can get exhausting becoming my own personal public relations representative, the two sites can be a great way to keep track of old friends.

Often times, Twitter gets lumped into that same discussion when people talk about social networking sites. But that is not the case.

While Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace allow people to share up-to-the-minute personal information, Twitter has evolved beyond that into a valuable business tool.

This is why Ryan Staffing has a Twitter account and not any of the other three.

Some of our readers may be sick of all our constant blog/Twitter promotions. But we really do believe these tools are as much a benefit to you as they are to us.

It's all about transparency. We get to tell you what we're up to and how we operate. And you get to see that before making a decision to use our service.

With the blog, we try to be fun and informative. And with Twitter we try to provide quick bits of valuable information.

So far, our Twitter as been a recruiting device. We post jobs there to reach a broader applicant audience. While we expand that, we are also trying to cater our Twitter to you, our current or potential clients.

We are not and will not use Twitter like athletes and celebrities have been. So that may not be as entertaining or absurd, but you should still consider following us on Twitter because it will be news you can use.

If that's not incentive enough, then how do USC vs. Ohio State football tickets sound as an incentive?

This month, we're giving away tickets to the state's biggest football college game!

I sent out an e-mail last week. But there may have been some confusion. There are seven ways to win. And it's like the lottery. You only need to do one of the listed actions, but the more you do, the better your odds to win.

1. Place an order for a temporary before September 4, 2009.
2. Open this months News You Can Use (Hint: if you're reading this you've just entered!).
3. Participate in this month's Buckeye Trivia
4. Visit our blog site The Corner Stool.
5. Sign up for our Twitter page.
6. Send us a name and e-mail address of a friendt
you think would enjoy being on
our mailing list (the more you send the better chances.)
7. E-mail us your favorite quote.

We will announce the winner in a special Sept. 8 e-mail. Good luck and Go Bucks!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Recruiting Week!

TUESDAY 9-1030



Thursday, August 13, 2009

Congressional Democrats Battle Health Care Bill Outrage

Have you seen some of these town hall meetings Congressional Democrats have been conducting?

Congressman Russ Carnahan (D-MO) in St. Louis, MO, where the crowd was angry because the even was not an open discussion about health care reform.

Sen. Claire McCaskill arguing with a crowd at a Missouri town hall meeting.

At least those Congressmen are remaining visible and taking on challengers. Some elected officials are instead hiding behind a desk and telephone.

Local Democrats Rep. Tim Ryan (no relation to this company) and Rep. Charlie Wilson (no relation to this movie) will be hosting teleconferences instead of town hall meetings, the Vindicator is reporting.

Here's a quote from

"Congressman Ryan is spending time this August talking to constituents about their feelings on health-care reform,” said Brad Bauman, (Rep. Ryan's) spokesman. “He has participated in a public health care roundtable, has spoken with small- business leaders, expects to hold telephone town-hall meetings and has toured facilities to speak about health care. The congressman will continue to talk every day with people across the district about health-care reform."

Stay tuned for more on this one...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009