Monday, March 14, 2011

Tim's Talking About the EEOC, Doctor's Notes and Youthful Discrimination

At long last there is a new trend in employer discrimination and we at Ryan Staffing have nothing to worry about. Did you know that the EEOC recently held a hearing to discuss potential discrimination facing unemployed job seekers?

Although the unemployed are not a protected group, hiring practices that exclude the unemployed from consideration could have a disparate impact on protected groups...Hispanics or African-Americans who have higher unemployment rates as an example.

In the temp business, nearly everyone we hire is unemployed because very few people quit full time employment for a temp job. Further, to keep payroll tax costs down we try hard to first place those that are actively collecting unemployment benefits.

Tip of the Month: Can Your Staffing Company (And You) Survive a Disaster?

Just think about all the technology out there and how we have come to rely on all of our little electronic devices to manage our daily lives. Think about everything you do on-line and the lack of "hard copy" paper support we rely on to perform basic tasks like bang and bill paying. 

While I marvel at watching those manipulate their Smart Phones, I don't really care if one never lands in my lap.

I'm old fashioned....I worry a lot and I like to be able touch things that make my life tick.