Monday, March 14, 2011

Tip of the Month: Can Your Staffing Company (And You) Survive a Disaster?

Just think about all the technology out there and how we have come to rely on all of our little electronic devices to manage our daily lives. Think about everything you do on-line and the lack of "hard copy" paper support we rely on to perform basic tasks like bang and bill paying. 

While I marvel at watching those manipulate their Smart Phones, I don't really care if one never lands in my lap.

I'm old fashioned....I worry a lot and I like to be able touch things that make my life tick.

One of the things that always concerned me is being prepared for the day that everything breaks at Ryan Staffing.  What I'm talking about is disaster recovery...hence our ability to continue taking care of our customers and employees if the place burned down. 

And then it dawned on me. Should not our clients be equally concerned about our ability to survive a disaster? I mean if you have come to depend on your staffing supplier to staff your facility on an on-going basis could their disaster become yours?

 So the "tip" here is that maybe you should have some idea of your suppliers ability to continue in service should a disaster strike. Of interest might be:
                                1. Can they fill orders for personnel in their computer data base crashes and they have no backup system in place?
                                2. Will the temps receive their paychecks on a timely basis in the event of a fire?
                                3. What procedures do they have in place for off- site storage of computer records and hardware backup systems?
                                4. Do they have adequately trained staff back up should key members be incapacitated or otherwise unable to perform their jobs that service your account?
                                5. Are there adequate physical facilities available to your supplier to re-open for  business by the next business day?

I'm sure you can come up with many other possible scenarios to be concerned about. Simply by thinking about your own place of business and how it would respond to a catastrophe is food for thought.

At Ryan Staffing (mainly because I worry excessively) we have several layers of backup in place that would allow us to continue in business without interruption short of all Northeast Ohio being wiped out.

For example, our servers are located in Atlanta along with segregated backup systems to keep our computers operating. We also perform off site backups locally. We have the capability to run all of our computer systems from every one of our physical locations as well as my living room. We store physical items off site such as business forms, checks, etc. All of our staff now receive paychecks electronically via our paycard system. Everyone is trained to be able to do more than their regular job making us two to three people deep in all parts of the business.

Hopefully (knock on wood) we will never be put to the test. At the same time shouldn't you be prepared to know that your staffing supplier has the systems in place to keep you going?

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