Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tim's Talking about Background Checks, the Beach Boys, Workplace Safety and Social Security

Check Your Checker

The biggest problem with background checks is not in finding a supplier...there are hundreds of them out there. The bigger issue has to do with their accuracy. According to TalentWise the error margin can be as high as 41%.

The reason for this is the large number of  county courthouses (3000+) and the fact that they are not centralized, have unique ways of data sharing and believe it or do not have their the databases available online.

If you need help in selecting a provider you can visit for a detailed directory.

Tip of the Month: Sometimes saving a nickel costs a quarter

The other day a story passed through my e-mail box that detailed the sudden closing of a small staffing business in Pennsylvania. It seems the owners (a husband and wife team) woke up one morning and realized that they could no longer remain profitable because of escalating payroll taxes. They shut the doors that day...after finding other homes for their temp employees.

It was a story that first reminded me why Ryan Staffing made the decision a few years back to stop working in Pennsylvania. If you think taxes are bad for business in Ohio don't try PA. But more importantly it made me think about our ability to pass along increased costs to our is very hard to say the least.