Though Governor Stickland and others of his faith still support similar legislation on the federal level and the payoff included the delivery of thousands of new dues paying union members to the SEIU at least the business community can breathe easy for now.
Give Your Temps a Pat on the Back
Did you know that National Staffing Employee Week started on September 15th?Last year nearly 421,000 people in the state of Ohio were placed in temporary or contract assignments. Nearly 3 million people per day work as temporary employees across the USA according to the American Staffing Association.
Most impressive is that Ohio staffing firms generate $2.1 billion in annual payroll. The economic significance of this to those in Columbus spending your tax dollars is that these payroll dollars bring in around $200 million in Sales Tax!
Browns Winner
Mr. Kevin Schaack Senior Recruiter at Jo-Ann Fabric was the lucky winner of last months Browns-Steelers contest. We won't share who Kevin rooted for to win.The survey question involving your company's current business volume activity showed 44 % increasing, 42 % flat and the balance declining. A mixed bag no doubt.
UC Rate Ruling Still AWOL
For those of you that read my tale about appealing our unemployment contribution rate for the past two years in last months issue take heart. No decision has come down from Co
In that it took nearly two years to get to hearing it's not surprising.
Lebron is Back
Visit or answer this issues poll question and win tickets to see Lebron James and the rest of the Cavs battle the Indiana Pacers on Friday November 7, 2008.
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