But is your business doing better? That can depend on who you listen to or believe for that matter but consider this:
- There were more new temporary jobs created in December 2009 than in any comparable period in the past 20 years according to the U.S. BLS.
- The BLS projects job growth in the employment services industry will exceed overall job growth through 2018.
- The ASA staffing index is up 5 points from a year ago. Staffing employment in January 2010 is up 4% from a year ago.
Editor's Note: The ASA index is often referred to as an indicator for future employment. The idea is that the temps go back to work first, then the full time employees. So hopefully the ASA index's climb can be mutually beneficial for all. Also, a great source for making sense of economic indicators is a NPR podcast called Planet Money. -- CR
Happy Together. . . American Band. . . Kicks and More

- Paul Revere and The Raiders
- Little Anthony and the Imperials
- The Turtles
- Grand Funk Railroad
So, this months contest is open to all of those born before 1970. . . the honor system is in place. Simply click on this month’s survey question and tell us who your favorite group from the 60’s was. Four runner-ups will receive a special surprise!
The link to the survey can be found in the February News You Can Use e-mail. If you lost the newsletter in the cluster of your inbox, send a message to info@ryanstaffing.com asking for the survey link.
Not Rich But. . .
Last months winners of our “Get Rich” lottery package didn’t get rich but had a little excitement trying.
Pam Mealy Personnel Services Manager at Commercial Metal Forming scratched her way to $31.00 while Michael Squibs of Latrobe Steel won a grand total of $8.00. He did report having a grand time scratching with his 12 year old son.
The winner of the Winter Olympic package is Peggy Mullins of Wellman Products. She will be enjoying the games in her official USA Hockey jersey.
Pay Cards are Coming to a Temp Near You
One thing my boss a long time ago taught me is that everyone’s paycheck is sacred to that person. On top of that with the state of the economy, people living paycheck to paycheck and the use of credit cards, getting employees their paychecks in their hands on time is a must.
With this in mind, Ryan Staffing will be working toward the elimination of paper paychecks for all of its employees in 2010. In there place, our employees will be issued a pay card that acts just like a debit card.
The advantages are many but the biggest is the elimination of the need to mail checks. . . which can be lost or delayed causing a hardship. Pay cards will allow our temps to get their pay quicker which means turnover should go down.
Stay tuned for more info on this program as it develops. If you have any comments or experience with pay cards drop me an e-mail at tryan@ryanstaffing.com.
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