Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Holiday Greeting from Ryan Staffing President Tim Ryan

It's time for a reality check.  If I may be so crude, 2009 sucked.  Or did it?

For sure, those that lost their jobs it did.  And for those that lost loved ones it was hard.  But the nice thing for me about the holiday season is that it provides a short moment to put aside those things that stressed us out all year long and take a look at what is really important.

First and foremost is that if you're reading this it means you are still on this side of the grass. . .  not bad.  And hopefully you have friends and family that surround you with love and support that comes in handy for all of us from time to time.

If you had food on the table, running water, flush toilets, clothes on your back and all of the other day to day necessities of life that we sometimes take for granted you're in pretty good shape.

With the holiday being a religious time of the year hopefully you've been able to find or keep your faith in God in some fashion and realize that no matter what, everyone of us has been given a life on earth that holds some meaning and purpose.

Most all of us don't need to be rich or famous to be happy campers.  We'd just like to struggle a little less at times, right?

So, when you look at the things that are really important, perhaps the end of the world is still a ways off.

From all of us at Ryan Staffing we wish you a Blessed Holiday Season and a better 2010 than 2009!


Tim Ryan, President

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