You may have noticed a story in last Monday's Vindicator about a community rallying around a family coping with illness. That's Heather Kutsch, one of our sales representatives (pictured above) and her family (from left to right Hunter, 9, Mike, and Maddison, 7).
To read the story, you can click here. Three years ago, Mike was diagnosed with Huntington's disease, and the story detailed a fundraiser put on at the Girard First United Methodist Church last Sunday to raise money for for the Kutsch family.
Huntington Disease is a progressively degenerative brain disorder that often results in a person's loss of mental facilities and physical control.
About 30,000 Americans suffer from the disease that develops between the ages of 30 and 50. There is no cure for Huntington's but support services often improve the quality of life.
We understand that times are tough. But if you or your company would like to help support those inflicted with Huntington's Disease, donations can be made online at the Huntington's Disease Society of America's Web site. Click here to go directly to the donation page. Donations can be made through the site, via mail or by fax. You can call HDSA directly at 800-345-HDSA.
Through the Ryan Bunch Foundation, the giving arm of Ryan Alternative Staffing, we recently donated $500 to support the organization.
If you would like to send a message to Heather, she can be reached via e-mail at hkutsch@ryanstaffing.com
Thanks for your time and God Bless.
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