Tis the season to spend money, but all this talk about recessions and bailouts. Who has time to think of new ideas on how to manage money?
Actually, I have some time.
I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I have all (or any) of the answers when it comes to personal finances. But I do know a lot resources on the Web where you can go and get knowledgeable advice and tips.
There's so much information out there, and I just want to make your life a little easier.
Why will I be doing this regularly on a staffing service's Web site? Because hopefully it will be a useful regular feature to this blog and it'll keep you coming back.

So, sit back from the computer and digest some links and quick tips I picked up surfing the Web. Then get back to doing something that takes your mind off the cruddy economy.
I recommend watching the area's only enjoyable professional sports team, the Cavs (the photo to the right is from cleveland.com).
So, without further ado, here are some links:
Financial Tips from Across the Web
-- Gas prices are down. There supposed to stay that way until the end of the month.
But you can always save money, even if it's only a few bucks. Gasbuddy lets you compare gas prices from your computer chair.
Just enter your zip code or county/city name and a list appears. There's even a feature to get a map if you're unsure where the gas station is.
--Heating your home can be expensive, and it may only get more expensive.
eHow.com puts together a nice eight step list of how to lower heating costs.
I also found the video posted below about zone heating, the idea focusing heat on where you spend the most time in your home. It seems pretty obvious to me and the video is only 90 seconds long.
--There was a lot in the news from Black Friday (mostly bad unfortunately). To avoid the stampedes and chaos, you may want to consider shopping online this holiday season. A lot of retailers are throwing free shipping and exclusive online deals.
Plus, there are sites that let you compare prices fr various retailers (Pricegrabber , Bizrate and Shopzilla to name a few).
Here's a blog on how to become a good shopper.
--My final link is to a Wall Street Journal blog.
I know, when you hear Wall Street Journal, you probably think corporate, big money men who have all day to read the newspaper. But there blogs (and Web site in general) are pretty user friendly.
The Wallet is a roll of personal financial tips. It's regularly updated and I suggest giving it a try.
That's all for now. Let me know if anything looked good on here or if you'd like more information on a topic. Any feedback is encouraged.
Enjoy the beginning of the holidays and if you're a basketball fan, enjoy the Cavs winning streak! (I hope I didn't just jinx them).
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